Monday, April 26, 2010

Book Review

I finished your book about 2 hours ago and I want you to know that it is excellent! This actually is a practical philosophy book I could identify with almost every single passage in the book. It is important to pass on your wisdom (and this type of wisdom) to the next generation. We developed our own personal philosophies because of growing up around extended families who taught by example, and I might add loved by example. I grew up on the city streets of Pittsburgh, and I thought everyone was Italian and Catholic until I went to college! We moved to the suburbs in 1960 and I learned that there were all different types of people. My first ten years in the Italian enclave were the happiest years of my life.

1 comment:

The Pelican said...

Carl, I just finished your book, also, and loved it. Especially liked the stories of growing up in New York City. Great narratives. you are a very visual writer.